Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The Stupid: It Burns!

Truly there has been a huge crapstorm of stupid things said over the past couple of days.

First up, there's Presidential (?) candidate Newt Gingrich blaming his multiple marital infidelities on his awesome patriotism!  USA!  USA!
"There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate," said Gingrich.
I think all criminals should start using this as an excuse.  I mean, what jury would convict you of strangling that ballerina when you were so worked up over the monstrously unfair capital gains tax that is destroying the American Dream?

Then there's Wisconsin State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitgerald admitting to FOX News that the whole Wisconsin government anti-union movement is just a scheme to defund political enemies and damage President Obama's reelection chances in 2012.  It's not about jobs, it's not about saving money, it's about getting the [black] man out of the White House.  Classy!  And Blatant!
Well if they [recall proponents] flip the state senate, which is obviously their goal with eight recalls going on right now, they can take control of the labor unions. If we win this battle, and the money is not there under the auspices of the unions, certainly what you’re going to find is President Obama is going to have a much difficult, much more difficult time getting elected and winning the state of Wisconsin.
While not quite speech, this item is fun.  Liberty University's  Extraordinary Women conference in October will feature "speaker" Sarah Palin.  The conference's "vision" is:
. . .  to draw women closer to the heart of God and His extraordinary plan for their daily lives.
Yes, the extraordinary daily plan wherein they become extraordinarily familiar with Laundry!  Cooking!  Taking care of children!  Obeying their husbands!  And that's it.

And finally, former Bush Press Secretary and FOX News Hottie, Dana Perino, had this to say about Rep. Peter King's upcoming "Let's burn all the Muslims" hearings on Capitol Hill:
Well, imagine if there was a hearing on radicalization amongst Christianity. There would have been no protesters yesterday in Times Square --
Bwahahahahahahahahaha!  Right.  Because Christians are soooo quiet when they are threatened or feel like they're being treated unfairly.  Or when others get equal rights.  Or when their own religion and prejudices aren't enshrined in the law.

She then followed that choice nugget of stupidity with this one:
And in this case, the spade is, if you take a thread and you connect it all through the different terrorist attacks that we've had in our country in the last 15 to 20 years, they have one common theme, and it's radical Islam.
Which is not only stupid, but VASTLY untrue.

"Yet as a January 2011 terrorism statistics report — compiled using publicly available data from the FBI and other crime agencies — from the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) shows, terrorism by Muslim Americans has only accounted for a minority of terror plots since 9/11. Since the attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, Muslims have been involved in 45 domestic terrorist plots. Meanwhile, non-Muslims have been involved in 80 terrorist plots. ... In fact, right-wing extremist and white supremacist attacks plots alone outnumber plots by Muslims." 

Sounds like Rep. King should be holding hearings to investigate radical Christianity, thus giving Ms. Perino a chance to be proven correct.  

I won't be holding my breath.


ahtitan said...

I wish there was a star or like button on this blog.

Paul Seegers said...

"Darling, just don't put down your guns yet
If there really was a God here
He'd have raised a hand by now"...Editors