Monday, March 14, 2011

Good morning

Oh joy. We have a yelling homeless woman in our Metro car. Nothing relaxes you more in the morning than a ranting, incoherent religious harangue by an obviously disturbed woman.

Admittedly, this is better than the angry, self-proclaimed vet on Friday who was angrily accosting some guy who supposedly violated his space and didn't apologize well enough.

Good times on the commute.


Vol-E said...

I have been watching the video of the woman on a NYC subway eating spaghetti out of a takeout box, who "opened a can of whoop-ass" on a fellow passenger who commented negatively on the behavior. It IS against the law to eat or drink on the subway, simply because the potential for a mess is very high. It's interesting how "the best defense is a good offense" seems to be the motto of so many who flagrantly break the law. A lot of the commenters on the video take the other passenger to task simply for "not minding her own business," but the video gives the impression that she knew there was going to be a fight and she was willing to stand up for the rules and basic etiquette in spite of that. ...Maybe I sympathize with her because at one time not too many years ago I would have been Ms. Bigmouth in the same situation. Apathy has since won out, so I'm more likely to keep my mouth shut, but sometimes you HAVE to speak up. Good luck on your commute.

Ipecac said...


I'm with you, not sure it's worth the hassle to try to police wrongdoers. Too many psychotic people around.