Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sorry, most of the world, you suck

Jim DeMint, Republican Senator from South Carolina, apparently believes that Jesus founded Democracy and freedom.
We’ve found we can’t set up free societies around the world because they don’t have the moral underpinnings that come from Biblical faith. I don’t think Christians should cower from this debate, should be told that their views and their values should be separate from government policies, because America doesn’t work without the faith that created it.
This would probably have come as news to the ancient Greeks, who invented Democracy.  It will also probably surprise the Indians, the largest Democracy in the world, and Japan, another stable, non-Christian, free society.  And I guess it means our nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan was doomed from the start.  Those non-Christians just can't succeed.

I suppose this is another example of American Exceptionalism.  That is, some Americans are exceptionally self-absorbed, reality-challenged and always manage to talk with their head up their ass.

If DeMint would like to try an experiment where we try to run America "without the faith that created it," I'm sure many of us would like to take him up on his offer.


Eric Haas said...

A few years ago, I got an e-mail from a friend-of-a-friend, asking if Muslims could be good Americans. The e-mail then went on to answer it’s own question by listing a large number of adverbs, each followed by the word “No” and an explanation. One of the answers went like this:

> Intellectually, No. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

I wrote back:
It is? Where in the Bible is the separation of powers? Checks and balances? The Federal system? Representitive democracy? Exactly which Biblical principles is the Constitution based upon?

I never got a response.

Ipecac said...

Good answer. People are so ignorant.