Thursday, March 24, 2011

Those Lucky Indians!

Super-libertarian and mustache-aficionado John Stossel tells it like it is:
Why is there a Bureau of Indian Affairs? There is no Bureau of Puerto Rican Affairs or Black Affairs or Irish Affairs. And no group in America has been more helped by the government than the American Indians, because we have the treaties, we stole their land. But 200 years later, no group does worse.
Yes, the government sure "helped" the American Indians.  We relieved them of the burden of all of their "ancestral lands" and deprived uncounted numbers of them of their "lives".  Who wouldn't trade places with them? 

Why are we wasting scarce government funds helping out those who are so fortunate, rather than helping those poor, poor, rich people?

Won't someone think of the rich?

1 comment:

Eric Haas said...

I had a long response here, but Google lost it, and it’s 2 a.m. and I don’t feel like retyping all that, so briefly:

I think you’re misinterpreting Stossel. He’s not saying that having their land taken helped the American Indians, he’s saying they got help (in the form of the BIA) partly because their land was taken, and that the BIA’s “help” has been counterproductive.

The BIA has a long history of corruption and controversial policies, and quite frankly, I think Native Americans might very well be better off today if they had gotten no help at all instead of being stuck with the BIA.