Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rick Santorum is sad because others are now equal


On the day when Washington State extended equal marriage rights to gays and lesbians, Rick Santorum was very sad.

I know this is a very important day in Washington. And in many respects a sad day for many people. We saw the law signed into here in Washington state. But it is very important you understand what just happened in another place….in the Ninth Circuit….The Ninth Circuit decided that anybody that disagrees with any of these folks, anyone who disagrees with these folks when it comes to the issue if what marriage is in this country, well they are irrational. That’s what the Ninth Circuit said. They said anybody who disagrees with their decision to shoot down Prop 8 in California, they do so because they are irrational and the only possible reason they can possibly…  Link

Yes, it’s so sad when gays have equal rights.  And even sadder when intolerance is called irrational.  Certainly being called irrational is more of an injustice than not being able to marry the person you love, right?  Right?

By the way, Santorum was interrupted at that point in his thoughtful whining by police tasering two protestors.  Santorum said that the protestors demonstrated “true intolerance”, completely unlike his awesome tolerance of Teh Gays.


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