Friday, February 10, 2012

Update on Birth Control Regulations

I was wrong. It looks like I was prematurely pessimistic about the Administration “caving” on the new birth control regs.

The new compromise offered by the White House is that the insurer for the religious entities in question, rather than the employer, would be responsible for providing contraceptive coverage free of charge for employees. Insurers would also be responsible for informing employees of those benefits. Senior administration officials say that this policy is intended to accommodate religious liberty while still providing affordable access to preventive health services to all women.  Link

This seems like a great compromise. Of course, the Catholic hierarchy and the Republican leadership are badmouthing it because they (1) don’t want ANY birth control, and (2) don’t want ANY Obama victories, as I noted in my last post.

I propose a new rule:

If the leaders of your group are (supposedly) chaste, unmarried men who have (supposedly) sworn off sex forever, who don’t believe that anyone should be using birth control, and that women should be completely subject to your religious beliefs about contraception rather than their own beliefs, YOU DON’T GET A VOICE IN THIS. YOU GET TO STFU ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE’S SEXUALITY.

How about that?

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