Friday, February 10, 2012

Women in Combat

After a year long review, the Pentagon is about to loosen some restrictions on women soldiers in combat positions. The new rules will allow women to serve in combat battalions, but still restrict them from the most combat intensive duties, including all infantry positions, the Navy SEALS and the Army's Delta Force.

These continued restrictions, of course, make it more difficult for women to succeed in a military career and have no real justification in a 21st century military force. It seems to me that if you can qualify physically and mentally, then you should be able to serve in whatever capacity you can. There should be absolutely no gender restrictions and this includes the SEALS and Delta Force. It's the 21st century, women are supposed to be treated as equals, they've proven themselves to be capable, professional and motivated soldiers for years now, so what's the problem?

Of course, not all have the same view. Here's VERY SERIOUS Republican candidate Rick Santorum putting his foot in it:

"I want to create every opportunity for women to be able to serve this country . . . but I do have concerns about women in front-line combat.  I think that could be a very compromising situation, where people naturally may do things that may not be in the interest of the mission because of other types of emotions that are involved. It already happens, of course, with the camaraderie of men in combat, but I think it would be even more unique if women were in combat," Santorum added. "And I think that's not in the best interests of men, women or the mission."

Yes, women with all their pesky and flighty "emotions" might screw up combat.  Not that he's being disrespectful or anything.



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