Thursday, April 19, 2012

Give it up, Mitt

Mitt Romney just CANNOT communicate with regular people.
[T]he governor sat down at a picnic table set with food and made an apparent attempt at humor.
“I’m not sure about these cookies,” Mr. Romney said. “They don’t look like you made them,” he said turning to one of the women at the table. “Did you make those cookies? You didn’t, did you? No. No. They came from the local 7-Eleven bakery or wherever.” [...]
The cookies, in fact, were donated from the popular Bethel Bakery around the corner from the community center, and once Mr. Romney’s comment was broadcast on local airwaves offended residents took to Facebook and Twitter to complain. The episode was inevitably called “CookieGate.” Link
This isn't a huge deal other than to illustrate what a smarmy git Romney is.

What a douche.

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