Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It'll be a better world when only the rich may live

Jesse Kelly, the Arizonan Republican running to take Gabby Giffords House seat, doesn't think that you have a right to healthcare.  Link
VOTER: Do you think that health care is a right or a privilege?
KELLY: My belief system is this. The health care for anybody but especially for our nation. The highest quality and lowest cost can only be delivered without the government. What I believe is that all things we drive, we do, health care, anything, is a privilege to some extent. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, those are inalienable rights endowed by your creator. If you’re claiming a right, if you’re going to say anything’s a right, if you’re going to say you have a right to a cell phone, then who has the responsibility to pay for it? That’s what I believe.
VOTER: So you’d put health care as a privilege then?
KELLY: Absolutely, absolutely. I believe that all things we have are. But they’re privileges you earn.
Unfortunately, this sentiment isn't unusual for Republican officeholders. If you're wealthy, healthcare is always available. If you're poor, then you haven't earned the right to be healthy or to live.

In the United States, we have the potential to make healthcare available to everyone, to spread our technology, expertise and skills to every citizen, to make all lives better.  That we don't says a lot about who we are and to what interests we are beholden.

Utterly, utterly reprehensible.

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