Tuesday, April 24, 2012

No choice? Love it!

Ann Romney understands the plight of mothers.
"I know what it’s like to wake up early in the morning and get them off to school; I know what it’s like to be up in the middle of the night when they are sick; and I know what it’s like to struggle and to have those concerns that all mothers have," she said, according to ABC News.
Of course the Romneys could afford cooks, maids, nannies, daycare and anything else they needed to help raise their kids. But at least she gets that it’s a struggle.

Or maybe not.
“My hat’s off to the men in this room too that are raising kids — I love that, and I love the fact that there are also women out there that don’t have a choice and they must go to work and they still have to raise the kids,” Romney said. “Thank goodness that we value those people too. And sometimes life isn’t easy for any of us.” Link
She “loves” that there are women who don’t have a choice and have to work and raise kids? WTF? Isn’t that like saying you “love” that there are people who struggle to make ends meet? That you “love” that there are people who can’t afford a new car or to live in a decent home? That you “love” that there are people who can’t afford decent healthcare?

I guess it’s no fun being super rich if there aren’t poor, struggling people below you to make your life look good.

The Romney’s just don’t get it.

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