Monday, April 23, 2012

Math is not her strong suit

Ms. Carol Tobias, complaining that sex selection abortions target girls.

"In 2010, more than 9 out of 10 PPFA's services going specifically to pregnant women were abortion," National Right to Life president Carol Tobias wrote in a recent opinion column. "Roughly half of those abortions are performed on unborn girls. That's the real war on women."  Link.

Uh . . . wouldn’t 50% be the number you would expect if NO sex selection was happening?

I don’t think her facts support her complaint.

EDITED TO ADD: I misinterpreted the use of the quote above. I thought she Ms. Tobias was using that quote in reference to sex selection abortions. She wasn't. HuffPo was using the quote to show that the numbers don't support that sex selection abortions are a problem in America. I got it wrong.


Eric Haas said...

If you click through to Tobias’ article, you’ll see she didn’t say anything about sex selection. She’s just making a lame attempt to throw the “war on women” meme back at Planned Parenthood.

Ipecac said...

You're right. I misinterpreted what the HuffPo article was doing with that quote.

Ipecac said...

I've added an addendum to my original post.