Friday, April 06, 2012

The War on Women?

Republican Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said yesterday that the idea of a GOP war on women was a “fiction” invented by the Democrats. “War” may be an incendiary term, so let’s look at the evidence. (And note that this doesn’t include Rush Limbaugh’s multi-day misogynistic tirade of abuse against Sandra Fluke). All of these are recent events.
From here:

- Every GOP Senator voted AGAINST the Equal Pay for Women Act
- Every GOP Senator voted AGAINST Al Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment
- Every GOP member voted FOR Anti-Safe Abortion Legislation
- Every GOP member voted FOR Blunt/Rubio Anti-Women's Equal Health Coverage Amendment. While Blunt/Rubio Amendment does not allow an employer to deny men employee health coverage for a Vasectomy, the Blunt/Rubio Amendment allows an employer to deny female employees & female dependents contraception, tubes tied, and hysterectomies.
- GOP Redefined Rape
- GOP writes legislation to probe metal prongs up a woman's vagina
- GOP changes legal term for victims of rape, stalking, and domestic violence to "accuser"
- GOP writes legislation that could make it legal to murder a doctor who provides abortion care. (South Dakota GOP)
- GOP writes legislation to cut nearly a billion dollars of aid to low-income pregnant women, mothers, babies, and kids.
- GOP writes legislation that would let hospitals allow a woman to die rather than perform an abortion necessary to save her life.
- GOP writes a law cutting ALL funding for low-income kids saying "Women should really be home with the kids, not out working (Maryland)
- GOP Cut Funding for Head Start by $1 Billion.
- Two-thirds of the elderly poor are women: GOP writes Bill to CUT funding for employment services, meals, and housing for senior citizens.
- GOP Candidates for President vow and pledge to Cut Funding for Planned Parenthood.
- GOP voted for an Amendment to cut all federal funding from Planned Parenthood health centers.
- GOP writes Bill to eliminate all funds for Federal Family Planning Program.
- GOP writes Bill to Provide Contraception for wild horses but ENDS all Federal Funding for Family Planning, including contraception coverage. (Dan Burton(R))

That sure sounds like a “war” to me. Can anyone come up with a comparable list of issues that affect men?

Now tell me, if you’re a woman or if you love a woman or if you have compassion for your fellow citizens or if you are merely a human being, WHY WOULD YOU CONTINUE TO VOTE FOR THESE MISOGYNISTIC MISCREANTS?

I seriously don’t get misogyny. Some of it is based in religion but it’s not limited to just the religious. The fact is, there is NOTHING that men do that women can’t do. There is no reason whatsoever that women should get paid less for doing the same job or should have to pay more for healthcare. There is no reason for women to be less protected by the law. As my son Ben says, “Everything is better with girls.”

I completely agree with him.


The list keeps getting longer.  Just TODAY the Republicans in Wisconsin repealed an equal pay for women bill that was enacted in 2009.  But remember, they don't have anything against women.

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