Wednesday, May 02, 2012

David Barton is a lying sack of sh*t

To my utter dismay, David Barton was the guest on tonight's Daily Show.  Barton is a pseudo-historian who distorts, misleads and just makes up crap to further his misguided ideas that the US is a Christian nation, that Christians are under constant attack by secularists, and that the Founding Fathers were all evangelical Christians.  In short, he promotes utter horsecrap.

Tonight's appearance was all about how secularists are constantly using Thomas Jefferson as an excuse to pound on poor Christians.  First, Christians are hardly an abused minority in the United States.  And second, "secularists" don't use Thomas Jefferson as some sort of magic word to get what we want.  Barton seems to think that people are constantly using Jefferson to bludgeon religious freedom and he wants it stopped!  His arguments were straw men upon straw men.

What a jackass.  There are few people I hate, but I'm pretty sure Barton is one of them.

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