Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Get to know me! Smoke

I don't smoke and never have. I hate the acrid smell of cigarette smoke and nearby smokers seriously tick me off. When I was a kid we traveled to Florida from Indiana and back in a car with my Grandfather who smoked constantly. I don't know how I survived.

I consider it a huge advance in civilization that smoking is now banned in most places I go.

However, I will admit that I really enjoy the rare scent of smoke from a pipe. I'm sure smoking a pipe is just as noxious as a cigarette and I'd never consider smoking one, but the smell is sweet and reminds me of my childhood. I don't remember who I knew who smoked a pipe (I think it was one of my uncles on my Mom's side) but it's a smell the evokes good feelings in me.

I was walking outside the other day and got a whiff of pipe smoke and immediately smiled.

(Now that I'm thinking about it, as a kid I always liked the once ubiquitous cigarette machines. For a vending machine, cigarette machines had a huge selection. I knew what brand my Grandfather smoked, Taryton, and seeing a machine I always wondered about the dozens of other choices in their colorful packaging. Their colorful, death-filled packaging. Thankfully, the cool machines o' death dispensing never enticed me beyond that.)

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