Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bah! Who needs the environment anyway?

According to a June 18, 2012 report (PDF) prepared for Congress members Henry Waxman and Edward Markey:
House Republicans have repeatedly voted to undermine basic environmental protections that have existed for decades. They have voted to block actions to prevent air pollution; to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of authority to enforce water pollution standards; to halt efforts to address climate change; to stop the Department of the Interior from identifying lands suitable for wilderness designations; to allow oil and gas development off the coasts of Florida, California, and other states opposed to offshore drilling; and to slash funding for the Department of Energy, including funding to support renewable energy and energy efficiency, by more than 80%. The House of Representatives averaged one anti-environmental vote for every day the House was in session in 2011 and the first half of 2012. Of the 1,100 legislative roll call votes taken in the House since the beginning of 2011, 19% – almost one out of every five – were votes to undermine environmental protection. During these roll calls, 94% of Republican members voted for the anti-environment position, while 87% of Democratic members voted for the pro-environment position.
Nero, fiddling while Rome burned, was an amateur compared to these guys.

So if you love clean water and fresh air and believe we need to keep the environment in good shape for ourselves and our children, why would you ever vote for Republicans?

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