Shorter Mike Huckabee: "Wah! Christians are being oppressed!"
Longer (sigh) Mike Huckabee:
I think it's, uh, becoming increasingly clear to a lot of believers that this administration is not just indifferent to people of faith, it's hostile. And that's not something I say lightly, uh, I say that with a great burden in my heart to even have uttered the words. But how else can you look at it, if the government can tell the Catholic Church what it must do, how it must practice, what it must do to accommodate the government mandate, then the next time the government may say that Baptists can't, uh, maybe the Baptists won't be able to immerse because the EPA will determine that's using too much water.Yes, telling Christians that they can't force others to live by their Christian beliefs is oppressing Christians. The old Martyr Syndrome lives and breathes in the hearts of conservatives.
It's hardly surprising. I've had people tell me with a straight face that "It's really difficult to be a Christian in this country."
My general response is, "But not as hard as in virtually every other country in the world."
Good response. You could also say "But not as hard as not being a Christian in this country."
Also very, very true.
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