George Zimmerman, killer of teenager Trayvon Martin, was asked this week, in an interview by Sean Hannity, if he had any regrets about shooting Trayvon, whether or not in retrospect, he wishes he had done anything differently. Easy question, right?
"I feel that it was all God's plan, and for me to second guess it or judge it," Zimmerman shook his head. LinkIn other words, it's not my fault, God wanted this kid dead.
Take a moment and imagine how you would feel if some neighborhood vigilante had stalked and then killed your innocent son and then said it was "God's plan".
Here's what Trayvon's father said:
“We must worship a different God. There is no way that my God wanted George Zimmerman to murder my teenage son,” Tracy Martin said. LinkExactly. Why would anyone think that "God" wanted Zimmerman to murder an innocent child? Zimmerman's statement was just a stupid platitude to avoid personal responsibility. Without religion, would Zimmerman be able to hide behind such ideas?
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