You know how the Republicans say time and again they are all about two things (1) job creation, and (2) cutting taxes?
Well, not if President Obama proposes it.
One of the top items on President Barack Obama's to do list - a 10 percent tax break for small businesses that make new hires - got tangled in an election-year tax debate as Republicans lead a filibuster to block the measure.
The legislation would have provided the tax credit to companies that hire new employees or otherwise expand their payrolls this year, a typically popular approach among the GOP. Republicans in the Senate did not necessarily object to the measure, but they protested Thursday after Democrats refused to allow votes on other amendments. LinkBecause just passing simple legislation isn't good enough. Not when they want to take it hostage by throwing in amendments extending the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
(It should also be noted that despite being "all about job creation" they've passed very little legislation actually addressing the problem, but have passed dozens of bills repealing Obamacare and restricting abortion.)
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