Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Portraits in Dumbitude

Much dumbness in the world today, the day the Republican House of Representatives held debates prior to voting FOR THE 31ST TIME (no joke) to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  Let's take a quick look, shall we?

First up, Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-SC) on Mitt Romney's overseas tax havens.
Mitt Romney shouldn’t be criticized for using off-shore tax havens because “it’s really American to avoid paying taxes, legally,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Tuesday. [...]  Link
Sen. Graham apparently doesn't believe in that whole "Do the right thing" thing, or that whole "We're all in this together," thing.  Of course, the huge majority of Americans, say 99%, don't have the resources to avoid paying their taxes, but rich guys who avoid paying their fair share by taking advantage of badly written tax laws are okay by him!  But if you're poor, then how dare you want food stamps or subsidized health insurance!  Get a job, you hippy!

Next up, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) on Obamacare, begs to be seen.

Shh!  No one tell him about the Supreme Court!  Apparently keeping up on current events isn't a requisite for being a Congressmen.

And finally, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R), who today vetoed nearly half a million dollars that was slated to go toward domestic violence and sexual assault prevention.
Haley explained these vetoes in the Department of Health and Environmental Control budget by writing, “Each of these lines attempts to serve a portion of our population for which we extend our sympathy and encouragement, but nevertheless, it is only a small portion of South Carolina’s chronically ill or abused. Overall, these special add-on lines distract from the agency’s broader mission of protecting South Carolina’s public health.”  Link
Yes, how dare you sexual assault victims distract the Department of Health with your whole "let's prevent this kind of thing from happening again," agenda.  Yes, I'm sure it sucks to be raped, but tough luck, sister!

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