Monday, August 20, 2012

Don't be fooled

“It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, [pregnancy from rape is] really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”  Rep. Todd Akin
So after saying one of the most stupid things ever said while running for the US Senate, I'll bet money that Rep. Todd Akin (R-DUMBASS) is shortly going to withdraw from the Missouri senate race.  His remarks were so incendiary that even some Republicans are calling on him to withdraw.  [Note that it took Mitt Romney nearly an entire day to realize where the political winds were blowing and issue a firm condemnation, replacing the milquetoast one he first issued.]

But know this.

What Akin said was only shocking and appalling to non-conservatives.  What Akin said is what MANY conservatives actually believe.  It's one of their memes, that "nice" women don't get pregnant when raped.  That if you're raped and get pregnant, you don't get an abortion because you must have enjoyed the experience, that you're complicit.  They also believe that many women lie about being raped and will do so more frequently if exceptions for rape are allowed.  It's hateful, wrong and stupid, but it's absolutely what they believe.

And keep this in mind:
Earlier this year, every House Republican and 16 Democrats voted for a bill that would have rewritten the rape exception in federal abortion funding bans by inserting the phrase “forcible rape,” words eerily similar to Mr. Akin’s notion of “legitimate rape.” Among the 227 co-sponsors was Rep. Paul Ryan, now Mitt Romney’s running mate.  Washington Post

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