Sunday, August 26, 2012

Remember, once you've seen it, you can't unsee it

Okay, watching this may actually scar you for life.  This is the stuff of nightmares.  You have been warned.

First off, WTF?  The music, the changes in pose, the black windows, the seemingly random zoom into a nearby woods, all seem calculated to induce terror.  Second off, WTF!?!

For me, the big question is did someone or something create this video thinking it was cool and artistic and not pants-crappingly scary?

"Thanks" to Bob Cesca.


Eric Haas said...

Not one of the better examples of the genre, I must say.

Ipecac said...

What genre would that be?

Eric Haas said...

Creepy singing android. And, yes, there’s more than one of those.