Thursday, October 25, 2012


Ya know, when you say something absolutely appalling and moronic like that God intends rape, maybe you should expect a little trouble in your life.
An emotional Richard Mourdock told fellow Republicans here that this “has been one of the toughest days of my life” as the GOP Senate candidate acknowledged creating “quite a firestorm” from his controversial comments on rape and abortion.
“Today has not been a fun day,” a teary-eyed Mourdock told a private dinner meeting of the Hamilton County Republican Party. “Professionally, emotionally, it’s been one of the toughest days of my life quite frankly.” Link
Why don’t you imagine how tough it is becoming pregnant through rape because vital health services are withheld because of the religious objections of other people? Why don’t you imagine how tough it is to have other people make critical health care decisions for you, against your will? Then we’ll talk about having a tough day.

After all, it is god’s will that you’re having a tough day, isn’t it?

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