Sunday, October 28, 2012


As I type this, it's approaching Sunday evening.  We've taken down the patio umbrella on the deck and stowed it in the garage.  The chairs and table are all lined up along the house.  We've removed the bird feeders and birdbath from the front yard and brought into the garage anything that might become a missile.  The small car is in the garage and the van is parked on the circle, outside the reach of any falling trees.  Both vehicles are fully fueled.  We have plentiful wood and a good amount of food.  We have gas in the grill in case we need to cook.

In short, we're ready to meet Sandy.

This should be interesting.  The schools have already cancelled for Monday and Tuesday but no word on the government yet.  I'm thinking they'll not take the risk of having everyone come in while the storm is happening and so the government will close.

Aside from the possibility of trees falling on our house, the biggest problem will be loss of power.  We've got lots to do, lots of games to play and books to read, but we won't be able to access the Internet very well;  between Carol, Ben and I we don't have a smartphone among us.  I have my Blackberry, so that will provide some access.

I'm hoping to get in a few more posts before we lose power (something it's wise to consider inevitable).  We're just hoping it's restored quickly.

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