The Wall Street Journal

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Procedure Update - Final

That was fun.

No, seriously, it was fine. The 5AM dose of Draino did its job, so I was ready for the procedure this morning. I had to keep getting up from bed, but I actually did get some sleep.

When we arrived at the clinic at 10:10, there were quite a few people already waiting, so I had to wait about 45 minutes. Once back in the very busy patient area, I changed into the standard hospital gown in the bathroom, answered a bunch of medical questions to make sure I was ready, and was taken to my bed. Along the wall were at least ten occupied beds with curtains on each side for privacy, but nothing in the front. So most patients in bed were facing a host of nurses and other patients who were walking by. You were always completely covered in a blanket, so it wasn't too undignified. Really, though, it kind of felt like a medical assembly line, much moreso than I expected.

Fortunately, I was lead to the last bed in the far corner and so was out of the traffic lane. I was also next to the window; I clearly got the best bed in the place. The nurse came by and prepped me, inserting an IV into my wrist (easily the worst part of the entire procedure and not too bad), and hooking me up to the machines to check my vitals. After a little while, the anesthetist came by and asked me more questions and explained what was going to happen.

She wheeled straightaway me into a procedure room and reconnected me to the monitors. My doctor was there as well as an assistant who introduced himself. After some banter (I'm good at patient/doctor banter), the anesthetist injected the sedative into the IV line and about a minute later my head started feeling fuzzy, which I noted to the doctor. I don't even remember falling asleep, it was that fast.

Some time later the anesthetist woke me up and gave me some juice. I felt a little groggy but fine. After a few minutes, I got dressed and sat down with the doctor. There were two small polyps which he removed and will be sent to biopsy. If they're benign, I'll return in ten years. If they're cancerous, I'll return in five years. I'll know in about two weeks. Carol was waiting to drive me home.

My meal of choice after not having eaten for 43 hours? Checkers meal #3, Champ Burger, no cheese, medium fries, and a medium banana shake. Mmmmm. I got home and slept for three hours.

Tomorrow it's back to work.

If you're 50 years old, get a colonoscopy. It's not a big deal and really important for heading off colon cancer. Modern medicine can do amazing things. It's stupid not to take advantage of it.

1 comment:

SJHoneywell said...

Talk to me in 18 months.