Saturday, November 11, 2017

Gun Violence

After Las Vegas and the recent Texas church massacre, pro-gun folk first tried (as usual) to stifle any discussion of solutions by saying it was "too soon" to talk about guns. Of course, every massacre, which happens quite often, apparently resets the "too soon" clock. Then, from the White House on down came the talking point that "guns aren't the problem".

Of course they are.

Gun control works wonders in other developed nations. Mass murder in those countries is nothing like we have to live with in America. Vox recently complied a listing of statistics and charts that demonstrate all too clearly that American definitely has a "gun problem".

Here are a few of them. Go to the page above to see the rest.

There have been more than 1500 mass shootings since Sandy Hook

Developed countries with more guns also have more gun deaths

There are solutions. Americans are just too stupid? pig-headed? controlled by special interests? to try them.

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