Saturday, July 14, 2018

GOP Morality

This is worth noting, again and again.

Jim Jordan is a Republican congressman currently being accused by at least a dozen former wrestlers that when he was an assistant wrestling coach, he stood by and allowed the coach to sexually molest the kids. Jordan denies it, and Republicans, most notably Trump, have stood by him.

What the Jim Jordan scandal tells us about GOP morality
Today, when allegations of this sort surface against a Democrat, the first impulse of those in the Democratic Party is to assume that the victims are probably telling the truth and ask whether the member should resign. That wasn’t always their response in the past, but now it is. The first impulse of Republicans when such a scandal touches their own, on the other hand, is to defend the member no matter what the facts suggest and charge that it’s a liberal conspiracy.
That may be partly because they all pledged their loyalty to a president who is on tape bragging about his ability to commit sexual assault with impunity (“When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”), and who was credibly accused of sexual misconduct by a dozen women. Whatever the reasons, they haven’t caught up to the morality of the 21st century.  Link

If character or morals matter to you, remember that in November.

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