Friday, July 06, 2018

How did the party of Lincoln become the child-stealing, race-baiting, vote suppressing, racial segregating party of today?

Modern Republicans like to point out that the KKK was started by Democrats (true) and that Republicans are the party of Lincoln, who freed the slaves (also true). This is disingenuous, of course, because since Lincoln, the two parties have completely switched positions on civil rights. It is inarguable that now it's the Republicans who are threatening the civil rights of any people who are not white, while the Democrats are the party defending the civil rights of ALL people. (For example, see PUERTO F'ING RICO).

But don't take my word for it. Check out these really great Twitter threads by Kevin M. Kruse outlining the whole flip-flop by the parties on civil rights, from the Civil War to today.

The Parties' Switch

And for a list of individual politicians.

Sure, Let's Do This

Both are a great read.

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