Sunday, July 15, 2018

I wouldn't send this guy to negotiate my car loan

This week, a dozen actual Russian agents, working for Putin, were indicted by the Department of Justice for interfering with the 2016 election that gave us Trump. Tomorrow, Trump will meet ALONE with Putin and likely only a Russian interpreter (not even an American translator) as he's done before.

In normal situations, it would be inappropriate for the President to meet with a foreign adversary without anyone else present, if nothing else to provide a second set of ears to make sure there was no misunderstanding of what was said. But for THIS President, who at the very least benefited from Russian interference and is under investigation for active collusion, meeting with Putin at all right now, let alone BY HIMSELF is absolutely unconscionable and, frankly, dangerous.

Trump is a terrible negotiator even in the best of times (not knowing anything and being too lazy to be brought up to speed tends to hamper negotiations) and these aren't the best of times. When asked about discussing extradition of the indicted agents with Putin, Trump said he hadn't thought about it. Honestly, we don't even know if Trump IS on our side against Putin. (Yes, we do. He's not.)

Nothing good can come of this. Americans, who expect the President to advocate on behalf of America, should be outraged.


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