Tuesday, July 24, 2018

TwaitorTweets away!

Putin's lapdog, Trump, was in fine Tweet form today, unleashing two really outstanding Tweets.

 First up, Trade Wars are awesome! Oops, I'm sorry. The greatest!

This is like the schoolyard bully on the first day he's discovered that he can hit other kids with his fists and get things he wants. Of course, in this case since the U.S. imports far more than we export, the bully is actually the smaller kid who's breaking his fists on the bigger kid's chin.

Things are so bad for farmers due to the tariffs that the White House today said they're going to spend $12 BILLION in taxpayer money to farmers who are being hurt by Trump's trade war. Yes, Trump is inflicting wounds ON US and then we're paying to keep Trump's stupid voters happy. Those same stupid voters who unleashed Trump on the world.

Now I do want to acknowledge the most significant part of the Tweet: "everybody's talking!" To Trump, that's really all that matters. That he's costing American consumers billions of dollars in higher prices (because that's what tariffs do) and industry bailouts while tanking whole industries doesn't matter. Everybody's talking about him! Woo hoo!

And now, the most wonderful, magical, Trumptacular Tweet of the day!

Okay, it's true. NOBODY wants Trump. Ask Melania.

To use the "Trump is a child" metaphor again, this is the kid who gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar and spends the next hour trying to convince you that he suspects the neighbor girl of stealing the cookies.

Here's Trump "being tougher on Russia" than anyone, from the Surrender Summit:

from CNBC.

Note this exchange from the video:

REPORTER: Did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?
PUTIN: Yes, I wanted him to win. Because he talked about bringing the U.S. Russia relationship back to normal.
So Putin WANTED Trump to win. What a shocking revelation. Admittedly, even Putin has to realize that the relationship is not "back to normal".

Of course, if Trump really believes that the Russians are going to interfere with the elections in favor of the Democrats, shouldn't he be cooperating with Democrats who WANT increased federal involvement in protecting our elections from hacking and other interference? Hmm.

In conclusion, yes, our President is a delusional fuckwit. But then, we already knew that.

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