Thursday, January 24, 2019

I'll take Administration members with their heads up their asses for $1000, Alex

The mind reels.

Commerce Secretary and $700 millionaire, Wilbur Ross, vomited this:
“There are reports that there are some federal workers who are going to homeless shelters to get food,” host Andrew Ross Sorkin said.
“Well, I know they are but I don’t really quite understand why because ... the obligations that they would undertake say borrowing from the bank or credit union are in effect federally guaranteed,” Ross responded. “So the 30 days of pay which some people will be out ― there’s no real reason why they shouldn’t be able to get a loan against it.”
Yeah! Just get a loan, government workers who aren't getting paid! Like Ross did presumably when he bought his fifth mansion. Never mind the interest rates, or the closing costs, or piling on more debt when you should be getting paid. Just get a loan, morons. Problem solved!

But he wasn't done.
“I think that’s a great deal of hyperbole,” Ross told CNBC. “Put it in perspective: You’re talking about 800,000 workers and while I feel sorry for individuals who have hardship cases, 800,000 workers if they never got their pay ― which is not the case they will eventually get it ― but if they never got it, you’re talking about a third of the percent on our GDP. So it’s not like it’s a gigantic number overall.”
So you lose your home and your car, it's not like it's going to hurt GDP you selfish government workers! Truly spoken like a man who never had a money worry in his life.

Not to be outdone, however, was White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow, who obviously felt slighted by all the attention paid to huge idiot Wilbur Ross for being a huge idiot.

When asked about hurting federal employees who have now missed two paychecks, Kudlow said:
With respect to people who do have financial hardships, as someone was asking, they are coming to work and giving the same 24/7 work they always do, and I’m saying, whatever semantic game you think you’re playing with me– and I’m usually easy going guy– give them credit, okay?”
Kudlow praised federal employees for showing up for work in spite of shutdowns, saying they are “volunteering” to do it in honor of the country and “presumably their allegiance to President Trump.” Democrats have had shutdowns too, in the past, he added.
I'm a federal worker who's been working part time. I do it because it's my job, it's my duty, and, frankly, I might get fired if I didn't. (Hats off to those courageous TSA workers with the "blue flu".) I am sure as hell NOT volunteering.

And with regards to the asinine "allegiance to President Trump" bullshit, my allegiance, and the allegiance of everyone in government service I know, is to the Constitution and the people of the United States. If allegiance to President Dipshit was required for federal workers to come into work, the government would be completely shut down immediately, including those who are still getting paid.

In short, Larry Kudlow.

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