Thursday, November 12, 2020

Halloween 2020

Almost everything has sucked this year, and Halloween was no exception. Our county discouraged trick-or-treating, but didn't actually forbid it. So, as the pre-eminent Halloween decorator in our neighborhood, I was in a bit of a pickle. I didn't want to encourage trick or treaters during a pandemic, but I also didn't want to disappoint any kids who came out. Frankly, I was hoping it would be officially cancelled.

What I decided to do was to put out a limited amount of decorations, mostly lights and fog, and put a table onto our front porch with a plate of candy for the kids to take. The plan was to put out a dozen pieces at once, keep an eye out, and tell the kids to only take two. I wouldn't come closer than six feet to them and would be wearing my mask.

To my surprise, relief and appreciation, we had zero trick or treaters. Their parents respected the pandemic and I thought that was great. Carol, Ben, his girlfriend, Talia, and I played Halloween-themed games and ate a bunch of candy. It didn't suck after all.

Here's the setup.


Ipecac said...

You know I don't even read these comments before deleting them, don't you?

At least read this com-girl-t before deleting it, cheers. said...

Pity, i thought they might`ve made you fall about laughing, besides i always save them to my clipboard to use on other sites whose owners DO appreciate my comic genius and Pauline Hickey obsession much more than you seem to. BTW, if you did actually delete them without even reading them would you like me to post them again ? because i think they were some of the most hilarious i`ve ever written, then you can read them, fall about laughing, and THEN delete them again, easy peasy and the best of both worlds (as it were).

Ipecac said...

No thank you.