My first post ever was this example of the utter height of human hilarity: Indiana Jones
This was confusing, of course, because I didn't lay out the "Welcome to my blog" post until a couple of days later. Sue me. (Please don't sue me.)
After I laid out my first few posts, I wasn't sure I'd have anything more to say. I mean, I'm not particularly smart or funny and my personal grooming habits are underdeveloped (at least that's what people tell me). But I have been pleasantly surprised to find that ideas literally pop into my brain all the time! And many of these are actually appropriate to Blog about!
I had many secret objectives when I started this blog. Sadly, I have not realized all of them. For example, my blog has not brought peace throughout the Middle East, although it has pacified Tonga pretty successfully. The blog has not created a rift in the Space-Time Continuum yet, but I'm still hopeful. I haven't posted my 1 millionth post, but I'm sure I'll hit that by December as I'm up to 236 now. Finally, I don't have numerous, all-female, fan clubs who hold "A Taste of Ipecac" conventions and offer to pay me large sums of money to appear. But maybe that's just as well.
In closing, I'd like to thank everyone who reads this blog and especially those who comment on my inane blathering (except, of course, those people who disagree with me. You can bite me.) Teh Intarwebs are a great place to be and I'm happy to contribute to this tiny corner of it.
Well, congratulations Ipecac. I've just started reading you recently and am proud to announce that I have not yet felt the need for actual ipecac. My blogger goal is to be blog of the day and suddenly have hundreds of hits and hundreds of stupid comments from people who haven't read the postings but urge everyone to check out their blog in an effort to ride the coattails of my sudden fame. But having a fan club is a good goal too. Good luck with that.
(Elvis voice) Thank you. Thank you very much.
I should make one clarification in my own defense. While I haven't brought peace to the Middle East, I do have most of the Bush Administration working directly against me on that.
Happy Birthday. Now you have yet something else in common with Perez Hilton.
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