Sunday, February 12, 2012

Immediate Karma and good decision-making in video games

Here's a conversation I just had with Ben as he's playing Skyrim.

[Ben's character enters an ancient ruin and looks down at a creature on a bridge below.]
Me:  Hey, that looks like a troll.
Ben:  It's a frost troll.
[Ben's character draws his sword]
Me:  You don't need to attack him.
Ben:  It's fun to take things down.
Me:  If you talk to him, maybe he could be your friend.  He'd be a powerful ally.
Ben:  He's an enemy.
[Ben approaches from behind and slices the frost troll across the back.  It screams and moves away.]
Me:  Why, just because he's different?  This guy could be your powerful sidekick.  What if Han Solo had attacked Chewbacca the first time he saw him?
[Ben takes another slice.  The frost troll ceases fleeing and turns around towards Ben.]
Ben:  This may not have been a good idea.
[The frost troll kills Ben's character with a single blow.]

I laugh.  A lot.  I really love that he realized his mistake about one second before his death.  Ben just glares at me.

1 comment:

ahtitan said...

I used to be an adventurer like Ben, but then I took an arrow to the knee.