Thursday, June 21, 2012

The irony, she is too much

Gee, the Congressional committee investigating that fake scandal Fast and Furious, headed up by conspiracy-dumbass Darrell Issa (R-Idiot) voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder to be in contempt of Congress.  I'm sure Holder's all broken up over it, since it puts him squarely with the 99%.

I mean, just who doesn't hold Congress in contempt?

Hey, Issa, I've got something for you.


Eric Haas said...

You can’t just arbitrarily ignore a subpoena simply because you don’t agree with it.

Ipecac said...

Yeah, except that he didn't ignore the subpoena. He testified multiple times and provided thousands of documents.

"Holder and other Justice Department officials insist they are cooperating with congressional investigators. Holder said the department had responded to more than three dozen letters from members of Congress and facilitated numerous witness interviews. The department has submitted or made available more than 6,400 pages of documents, he said."

There are obviously some different interpretations of the law going on, but:

"Issa has requested many more documents containing confidential information regarding ongoing law enforcement investigations, and is now threatening to hold Holder in contempt if these documents are not turned over. Holder is entirely correct to withhold these documents, however, because Justice Department documents are not subject to congressional subpoena if they would reveal “strategies and procedures that could be used by individuals seeking to evade [DOJ's] law enforcement efforts.”

Eric Haas said...

Ah, okay, I hadn’t heard that some of the documents were part of an ongoing investigation. That makes more sense.