Friday, February 01, 2008

Bush also won't jump to moon or eat his weight in bacon

Fox News conducted an exclusive interview with President Bush last week that was just chock full of wonderful moments. Interview with the President

Here's the very first sentence of the article:

Capturing Usama bin Laden has been one of President Bush's top priorities during his time in office, but the president now seems to doubt the Al Qaeda mastermind will be found before his term ends next January.

The first clause of the sentence deserves a huge WTF?. Seriously. WTF? Top priorities? Capturing Bin Laden was a top priority for some months after 9/11, but once the President turned his eyes towards Iraq, the fact that we had failed to capture Bin Laden became a liability and so they pretty much stopped trying. In September, 2006, Bush told Fred Barnes that finding Bin Laden was "Not a top priority". Way back in 2002, Bush said at a press conference that he was "truly . . . not that concerned" about Bin Laden.

The second clause of the sentence deserves a huge DUH. You don't think you'll find Bin Laden before the end of the term? To do so, you'd actually have to look for him. Unless Bin Laden takes the White House tour, I gotta go with the President on this one.

In another stab at denying reality, the President said:

"I will have left behind a mechanism — and a structure for the next president to better protect America."

First, just getting a new President will "better protect America". Second, holy crap is he out of touch. What mechanism? What structure?

"For the country, it's a matter of closure in many ways for those who suffered under the attacks," Bush said. "He's hiding. He's isolated. He's not out there leading any parades."

Whew! I didn't realize that. I feel all safer now knowing that the mastermind and leader of the 9/11 attacks isn't leading any parades. And here I've been looking for him annually in Pasadena on New Year's Day. Silly me.

Bush says in the interview he's confident bin Laden ultimately will be found. "He'll be gotten by a president," Bush says.

Sweet! Perhaps Teddy Roosevelt will return from the grave and hunt Bin Laden down on horseback with an elephant gun. Or maybe Zombie Lincoln will find him and eat his brain. That would rule! Go Zombie Lincoln!

Fortunately for his successor, Bush has left a wonderful F.U. gift.

"I think when I get out of here, I will have put Iraq in a position so that my successor, whoever that is, will be able to deal with the situation on the ground there, and I believe will understand the strategic consequences of the emergence of this free society."

And then there's this:

"The security situation has certainly improved, the political situation is getting better and the economy is beginning to improve," he says in the documentary. "But it takes a while to recover from a tyrannical situation.

He's right. Fortunately, in January of 2009, after 8 long years, the U.S. will finally start the recovery process.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And, as usual, I'm sure Fox News asked the really tough questions.

Actually, it's Bush that has made bin Laden and Al Quaeda the sine qua non of his presidency. He has inflated the threat of Al Quaeda until people think they are going to come over and eliminate the United States in one blow. After building bin Laden up into this superhuman threat to the country, now he says he's no big deal. I always thought the administration made too big a deal of bin Laden--they built him into a mythical figure where he wasn't before.