Tuesday, February 19, 2008

In which I take on scientific illiteracy

John Campea of The Movie Blog is a pretty cool guy. That's why I'm so disturbed to discover that he sides with the Intelligent Design camp. Or, perhaps more accurately, he grew up hearing the creationist lies and now can't differentiate them from actual scientific fact.

The whole sad thing is here. Read the comments.


Anonymous said...

Oy vay! That's really disheartening. Good job with the response although clearly you don't know anything about science even though you think you do.

Ironically, I do agree to some extent with his point IN GENERAL about people often valuing free speech only when it agrees with their point of view. Unfortunately, he makes this point in furtherance of a completely idiotic idea and the sad thing is, others agree with him. The dumbing down of America continues.

Eric Haas said...

I noticed he's closed that post to further comments.

Ipecac said...

I did too. Fortunately, he closed it after several rational posts. :-) Unfortunately, he had Ben Stein on his live podcast last night. Didn't hear how it went.