Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ralph Nader SUCKS

Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick.

It's bad enough that Nader screwed up the 2000 election, siphoning off Democratic votes, resulting in 8 years of George W. Bush. Now he's trying to do it again by running for President for the fourth time.


Ralph Nader is once again poised to help usher in another Republican presidency. I can't tell you how much this pisses me off.

Note to everyone who voted for Nader last time: STOP VOTING FOR THIS IDIOT!!


Anonymous said...


ahtitan said...

My thoughts exactly!

Unknown said...

Mea culpa. I won't make that mistake again.

Anonymous said...

Nader rules! I'm volunteering to get his vote going, as he has the only "true" answers for the country. Heck, I quit my job today so I can devote 100% of my time helping with his campaign. Nader will win this time for sure.

Anonymous said...

I agree the the previous comment. Nader's track record speaks for itself. I think his 40+ years of service to the country deserve him a chance at the presidency. If the other democratic candidates don't have the influence of ideals to stand against his entrance into the race, then McCain deserves to win.

Ipecac said...

:-) You can't get better satire than that!

Anonymous said...

I can't stand it. I'm starting to think he is being paid by the Republicans to run for office. Not much pisses me off more than this. He is supposed to care about people and says he is a crusader for change when his very actions stand in the way of change. He's either an agent provocateur for the GOP or he is the dumbest asshole that has ever lived. My blood pressure is going up just as I write this. I can't stand it!

Anonymous said...

Well, it must be time for Ralph to profit off of another failed presidential run. I can't admire a man that only runs for president to fatten his wallet. He uses the Green Party, but is not even a member of the Green Party. I don't care what people think about his consumer advocacy and that he drives an old car or rides a back or hops on a frigging pogo stick. The fact is that everytime he runs for president a new book of his just happens to come out right around the same time. Is it no coincidence that he had a book come out just last year that could use a boost in sales? The man is a complete fraud who USED the Green Party and screwed Al Gore in the process. Maybe Al Gore will let him touch his Nobel Peace Prize and then give him a lesson on how to be a true advocate instead of just an egotistical fraud.

Anonymous said...

I like to talk about stool.

Ipecac said...

Well, it's an honor to have you here, Mr. McStool.

Anonymous said...

Nader's track record of idiocy stands for itself. He knows nothing about domestic policy other than his vague anti-capitalist philosophy, knows nothing about foreign policy, knows nothing about politics or how to actually make policy. The only thing he knows is that Corvairs are bad cars. He is an egotistical old man who can't stand being out of the limelight. If there was even a ghost of a chance of Nader being elected (which there isn't), I would vote for McCain.

Anonymous said...

Nader's not a real candidate. His only possible function is to siphon enough votes away from the only hope we have of avoiding another four years of Republican rule, which has been an unmitigated diseaster.

Nader should have committed himself to a monestary to live out the rest of his days praying to God for forgiveness for what he did to us in 2000. Instead this gigantic douchebag has the unmitigated gall to attempt it again. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

It is surprising how brainwashed the average American is. Basic logic escapes you. It is not NADER that lost Gore the election, it was all of the dumb AMERICAN CITIZENS that lost it, by VOTING FOR BUSH! Nader was merely exercising his right to run for president; and in doing so he strives to create more of a diverse political arena, to end the two-party dictatorship that exists in America today. He should be revered as an American hero, but it is not surprising that he is spat on, due to the level of sheer ignorance of the masses.

Ipecac said...

Nader certainly has every right to run for President. And certainly, the minority of American voters who voted for Bush (me included) are ultimately responsible for Bush's 2000 victory.

The point I was making is that after the 2000 election, Nader should have learned his lesson. By running in 2008 he risked another defeat of his progressive principles by splitting the Democratic vote. He knew he couldn't win and the stakes were huge. That's why he was being criticized.

While it would be great to have multiple, viable, successful parties in America, it's just not reality right now. Any third party is only going to siphon off votes from either the Dems or Repubs. The stakes were too high in 2008 to risk. Fortunately, Nader wasn't a factor.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone seem to come to the conclusion that it is his fault. Minority parties have always been an integral part of the US, leading to many political/environmental/social changes. While we may say that third party votes "could of been spent where it accounts," it overlooks the fact that a much greater minority of the US are registered voters that do not vote at all.

As a fellow citizen, I would encourage rather than blaming someone who is rather harmless blaming the inactivity of others. Following your point though, in hindsight, history usually proves that change is created by only a few. Even the US was made by several men in a room.

nick said...

7500 dead Iraqis love nader , DoD contractors attribute their profits to Nader ,

Al Queda loves Nader