Friday, February 08, 2008

Uh oh! We got ourselves a Douche-off!

"The stakes in November are high . . . Prosperity and peace are in the balance." President Bush 02/07/2008
While more subtle, this remark is definitely in line with Mitt's intimation that supporting the Democrats is traitorous.

Sadly for him, Bush loses points because the statement is technically true. Prosperity and peace are potential prizes of the election, but only if we throw out the scumbags who gave us two miserable ongoing wars, enabled an Al Qaeda resurgence, made the U.S. synonymous with torture, spied on U.S. citizens in violation of the law, completely bungled the response to Katrina, screwed up our economy, created huge deficits, funneled billions to their corporate cronies, lied to the U.S. public and to Congress, stepped on first amendment rights, delayed important medical research by years, gave government money directly to sectarian religious groups, villified others while engaging in all sorts of immoral behavior, and raised incompetence and corruption to an art form.

As I said to Carol last night when discussing people voting for Republicans, "What more could the Republicans possibly do before people will stop voting for them?"

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