Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Well, that lasted a long time

For a few minutes this morning, after I learned of Castro's resignation, I thought we might be on the verge of ending the insane and stupid United States embargo of Cuba. After all, it hasn't worked for squat and Cuba hasn't had a Soviet sponsor for nearly two decades. So why not try to engage Cuba economically like we do Vietnam and China?

In typical fashion, the administration has quickly moved to squash that particular fantasy. CNN is reporting that the U.S. embargo on Cuba will remain in place despite Fidel Castro's resignation, according to Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In fairness, the issue isn't Castro's resignation, it's what is going to replace him. Pretty clearly, nothing really is going to change internally. Given the politics involved, I doubt that any US administration, Democrat or Republican, would lift the embargo without evidence of some change in the Cuban government.

The embargo has been irrational for years if it was ever rational but it's pretty clear that Castro has, unlike other communist countries, arranged for a relatively orderly succession.