Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A win for the good guys

There's been a victory in the ongoing struggle to bring Montgomery County Schools into the 1970's! (This is ironic because the school system is said to be at the forefront of sex ed.)

As I noted here, the County has been locked into a legal fight over the new sex ed curriculum that dares to teach that homosexuals aren't evil, immoral, Satanists who want to create babies and then eat them. (Which just goes to show you how stupid they are because two guys can't make a baby! Nyah!)

County Judge rejects lawsuit

Circuit Judge William Rowan III upheld a decision last year by the Maryland State Board of Education that it should not second-guess whether the county’s curriculum was appropriate.

The decision, dated Thursday, dismissed a legal challenge from religious conservative groups who have fought revisions to the county’s sex education lessons for six years. Those groups have said the lessons do not give enough credence to people who believe homosexuality is a sin.

Oh, the horror! The curriculum doesn't give enough credence to small-minded bigots! What's next, they'll be teaching that women and blacks are equal to white men?

Note to fundamentalists afraid of gays:

"Sin" is a religious concept. It has no place being taught in public schools. If you wish to poison your childrens' minds with hate at home or church, sadly, that's your right. But the school isn't going to do it for you. So shut the hell up about it and grow up.


Anonymous said...

Are they going to argue that the curriculum doesn't give enough credence to Holocaust deniers as well?

ahtitan said...

-(Which just goes to show you how stupid they are because two guys can't make a baby! Nyah!-

Not true. My friend Jayson and I made a baby out of pudding and graham crackers. It was as delicious as it was adorable.