Monday, February 04, 2008

Yes! We're not the dumbest any more!

1 in 4 Britons believe Winston Churchill never existed.
The survey, conducted with 3,000 respondents to test their general knowledge, reported other historical figures such as Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi, Cleopatra and the Duke of Wellington were made up for books and films, the Mail reported.

The survey, by UKTV Gold, also found that Sherlock Holmes was a real person.

Yes! We're not the dumbest people on the planet any more! The English are equally dumb! Take that, rest of the world!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder about people that are that out of touch with such basic historical knowledge. They probably think that Harry Potter is real. It's clear that the world is getting dumber even as information becomes more accessible. Beavis and Butthead don't seem like such parodies anymore.