Friday, March 07, 2008

Anti-Vax Discussion

Below are a couple of good articles discussing the recent settlement in the Autism Omnibus case, which the anti-vax crowd are claiming validates their claims.

For background, the Autism Omnibus refers to a set of hearings before the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program regarding claims by about 5000 parents that their childrens’ autism was caused by vaccines. These claims are primarily based upon the various hypotheses that the MMR vaccine, or thimerosal in some vaccines (but not MMR), or the combination of both, is a cause of autism.

So far there have been hearings, but only one final decision. In November the US government settled one case in favor of the petitioner. This is the case those who have supported the failed hypothesis that vaccines cause autism now point to as admission that they were right all along (or at least as a means of stoking the flames of fear about vaccines.) But the US government did not admit vaccines cause autism - they conceded one case that is highly complex and not necessarily representative of any other case and cannot be reasonably used to support the vaccine/autism connection.

Respectful Insolence

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gee, Molly has managed to survive despite receiving all these deadly vaccines! I guess we shouldn't have risked it; it would have been much better to have risked polio, tetanus, measles, small pox, flu, and whatever else.

What morons! And these people get to vote. I think we should go back to having intelligence requirements for voting. (Just kidding.)