Thursday, March 27, 2008


By now, you've probably seen this familiar story about the parents who didn't take their 11 year old daughter for medical help when she was showing terrible symptoms from a treatable form of diabetes. After they prayed over her for days, she died. Sadly, this type of thing happens quite frequently among believers.

Obviously, it's a terrible tragedy that this poor innocent young girl is dead. And it's a lesser tragedy that these parents blame their own "lack of faith" on the fact that god didn't heal their daughter. I imagine that as she lay dying the daughter also felt guilty about her own "lack of faith" and blamed herself for not being healed by god. Horrible.

I think that much of this needless suffering and death can be laid specifically to one story in the Bible, the binding of Isaac by his father, Abraham. The story is generally regarded as recounting a test of Abraham's faith by god who orders Abraham to sacrifice his son. An angel stops Abraham just as he's about to kill Isaac. Abraham has passed the test.

Quite often people who take the Bible literally read the story of Abraham and Isaac and apply it to their own lives. If the "test of faith" is a simple problem, there's usually not much harm in them finding god's hand in their suffering. But when they believe god is testing their faith by making one of their children ill, tragedy often results.

The ironic thing is that these parents blame their own lack of faith when in fact, they passed the test better than Abraham. They had so much faith in god that they accomplished their own awful, terrible sacrifice.


Anonymous said...

When you say "quite frequently" what do you mean? We've talked before about how things seem to be more prevalent these days because of media coverage. Obviously, I'm not denigrating the horror and utter stupidity when these things happen but I don't know if this is all that prevalent. Another point is that when you say "believers" you obviously mean "fanatics" because most people that believe in God to some extent wouldn't do this. Obviously, the term believer subsumes religious fanatics but it is clearly broader.

Ipecac said...

This happens a good number of times every year. Completely preventable deaths of children, killed by their parent's religious beliefs. Here are a few lists.

Ipecac said...

I think the Amazing Randi got this right.