Monday, March 10, 2008

Go Ask Alice

I have adult-onset diabetes. It was diagnosed a couple of years ago and I keep it under control by diet and medication. I get tested regularly and my blood sugar numbers have been excellent. So, at most, diabetes has been a slight annoyance, and not a major life-changing event.

For the past few months, I have experienced frequent burning sensations in the soles of my feet. After some testing, my doctor believes diabetic neuropathy is the likely culprit. This is a bit odd since my blood sugar is not a problem, but I can't deny the symptoms. So, starting tonight, I'm adding Cymbalta to the numerous medications I already take. Hopefully, it will relieve the burning. Also hopefully, my hair won't fall out.

In other news, Cymbalta is an anti-depressant, so maybe I'll be in a good mood all the time. That would be pretty cool.

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