Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Thanks a lot, Ohio and Texas. :-(


Eric Haas said...

I was hoping for a clear Obama win, myself.

ahtitan said...

What they SHOULD do, for the good of the country, is team up to create an unbeatable juggernaut.

Ipecac said...

Yeah, we're pretty much boned. While the Democrats continue to pound each other, the McCain campaign will move towards the center to capture the independents. This is pretty much a worse case scenario at this point.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Obama and Clinton would be a good team. Running together would just appeal to the same constituencies. I think whoever wins needs to run with someone like Joe Biden, Wesley Clark, etc.

As for saying they (or either individually) would be an unbeatable juggernaut, I'm not as optimistic about that as everyone here seems to be. I think McCain has a good chance of winning unless the economy gets real bad.

ahtitan said...

I can't imagine any Republican winning this time. Then again, I couldn't imagine Bush getting elected a second time, either.