Friday, April 18, 2008

A terrible cost

The essay by PZ Myers (link below) is dead-on.

It's not an understatement to say that through their policies, supported by their narrow, medieval world-view, two men are responsible for millions of deaths. With vast sums at their disposal and a world-wide platform, they could have supported simple policies that would have saved millions of lives. But they would rather try futilely to force their antiquated, dogmatic morality down people's throats at the cost of horrible suffering, disease and death.

Sanctimonious Monsters


Unknown said...

Ok, so I don't know much about Catholics. What is Meyers refering to when he talks about the Pope "advocates horrendous and ignorant social practices that harm the poor all around the world"?

ahtitan said...

Well, for one, birth control is forbidden. In many poor countries whose citizens are Catholic, allowing them to prevent having gobs of children would certainly decrease the overall poverty, as well as the immediate poverty of each family.

Ipecac said...

The Catholic Church has huge influence in Africa. The prohibition on condoms has also contributed to the horrific spread of AIDS throughout the continent. If the church would drop that prohibition and encourage condom use, they could save millions of lives, if it's not already too late.