Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Christopher Plummer - Hot or Not?

Captain Von Trapp

General Chang

Reverend Jonathan Whirley

Think he is (or was) hot? There's a poll to the right. I defy you to watch the movie Dragnet and still say he's hot.


Anonymous said...

Who cares if he is hot or not?

Ipecac said...

Uh, me, Silly. Why do you think I posed about it?

Anonymous said...

Even though I'm LisaS -- I'm anonymous in the interest of time. This might not have to do with comments made during last Saturday might it? Hmm?

Ipecac said...

Why? Did you have some sort of lenghty discussion on whether he's hot or not? I doubt you ladies are that superficial. Or have I misjudged you? :-)