Friday, April 03, 2009

Thanks for all your help. Now beat it.

Click here for a terrible story about how bureaucracy is keeping a heroic Iraqi translator, who has saved the lives of American soldiers, from coming to America. Why? Because he stole Uday Hussein's car.
An Iraqi translator who has earned commendations for risking his life repeatedly to save the lives of many American soldiers in combat has been denied a visa to live in the United States because of nonviolent actions he took to overthrow Saddam Hussein — at the same time the U.S. government was calling for regime change in Iraq.
. . .
Jasim said his stepbrother, in fact, was captured in the fall of 2007 and was tortured to death in an effort to get to him. The U.S. Army officer who received and processed the report on the murder, Major Leslie Parks, told that Jasim's stepbrother was tortured with an electric drill through his eyes.
He stole Uday's car sometime in the 199o's in order to get eavesdropping equipment and documents out of the car in support of efforts to overthrow Sadaam Hussein. And now the State Department won't issue him a visa because of that theft. And they've told him he has to wait three years to reapply.

Now that word's out, I'll bet he's on American soil within a month.

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