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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Autumn Games - The Settlers of Catan Card Game

Last week, before Carol left for her reunion, we played our thirteenth game. Having won Jambo, Carol chose one of our very first Kosmos games, The Settlers of Catan Card Game by Klaus Teuber. The game is so old that we have the German version, purchased before the English version had been released. This, of course, presents some challenge as the event cards are all in German. A couple of translation sheets I created years ago made that a minor issue (and there are many more available on BGG).

The card game has most of the elements of the board game, The Settlers of Catan, with some clever additional mechanisms. Each player starts with two settlements surrounded by six resource tiles, one each of wool, brick, wood, ore, grain and gold. Each card has a different die face and when you roll a die at the start of your turn you receive the appropriate resource. Cleverly, to keep track of your resources, you rotate the tile, showing zero to three of that resource.

Two settlements and their surrounding resources

The first thing you do on your turn is roll two dice.  One gives you resources as above, the other causes an event, either drawing and using an event card, activating the thief, causing a comparison of knight or mill values, or giving each player a resource of their choice. Once that is resolved, a player can trade resources with the other player, build buildings in his settlements and cities, play special action cards, add roads which then lead to building new settlements (with new resource tiles), or upgrade a settlement to a city. All of these actions cost resources but may add additional resources or victory points to your principality. Settlements are worth one victory point, cities worth two, and a variety of buildings also add points as well as give you special powers. The player with the most knight points (from played knight cards) or mill points (from some buildings) captures the appropriate wooden block, each of which is also worth a victory point. The first player to twelve points wins.

It's been a long time since I've played this game and I really enjoyed it. There are a wide variety of options each turn and building out your principality is fun. The game does take a huge amount of table space (compare it to Ingenious to see the true range of the Kosmos two player series).  I focused on building harbors which gave me a discount in trading resources with the bank while Carol built buildings which doubled the production of some resource tiles. We both jockeyed for the two wooden blocks. Unfortunately, the game is a bit long. Carol and I played for over an hour the first night and had to pause the game while we were both at six points.

The end is near

We came back the next night and the rest of the game went surprisingly fast. Carol upgraded settlements to cities, played buildings with victory points and quickly reached eleven. I managed to wrest control of the knight and commerce blocks, reaching ten points, but it was too late. Carol built a new building with one victory point and won her third game in a row.

Final scores:

     Carol    12
     Ipecac  10


ReptilianSamurai said...

I used to play this game all the time with my brother, we even got the expansions set. A more recent play, however, showed it to be a bit too lengthy to be worth choosing over alternative 2-player games. It does use up a lot of space, but some of the mechanics are pretty neat!

Anonymous said...

Thats funny, I was thinking of leaving a comment myself, but then saw this first. We did play this a lot, though I don't think I ever won. It was fun though, and I'd be happy to try it again sometime

Ipecac said...

I think repeat plays would reduce the play time somewhat but I agree that it's a bit too long. Still, a really clever adaptation of Settlers.

ahtitan said...

I actually prefer this to regular Settlers, as it avoids the problem(to me) of getting screwed by your numbers never being rolled.

ReptilianSamurai said...

There's also a newer Settlers card game "The Struggle for Catan" which has very different mechanics from this one. I played that one once, and remember liking it, although I don't remember a lot about it.