Monday, June 10, 2013

Get to know me! Cash money

I don’t like carrying anything bulky in my pants pockets and that includes a wallet. For years, my wallet has been the Brookstone Ultra-Thin, which holds my driver’s license and credit cards, but no cash. When I am buying something, having to pull out and rifle through a wallet seems like a lot of work and delay. I’ve seen people pull out huge wallets, stuffed with cards, money, photos and whatnot, and I’m baffled as to how they can sit comfortably or why they would want such a hump on their bum.

What little cash I carry daily goes into my front pocket and it’s rarely more than $50. Whenever I hear of someone carrying more than $50 on them, it always freaks me out a little. I’ve been told that someone I work with always has a couple of hundred dollars in his wallet, a completely foreign concept to me. Why would you need that much cash?

I also never carry change in my pockets if I can help it. I don’t like noisy jangling when I walk and the constantly shifting mass bothers me. If I’m at a carry-out for lunch and I get change, I drop it into the tip jar, which I see as a win-win. They get a tip and I’m not carrying coins.

I am really looking forward to the day when I don’t need cash at all, a thumbprint or wave of a smartphone will handle all transactions. Sign me up.

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